Converting Existing Early Learning Seats to High-Quality
The Foundation is working with the District of Columbia’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), Division of Early Learning, to convert existing early learning seats to high-quality through a Quality Improvement Network, and together we have made in-depth resources available to providers through the Early Childhood Share DC portal.
Quality Improvement Network
Services are delivered through hub agencies — Mary’s Center and United Planning Organization (UPO) — to 12 child care centers and 17 family home providers districtwide, including four centers in Wards 7 and 8. The hubs provide professional development and technical assistance, and deliver the comprehensive services required by Head Start. Participating providers also receive funding for facility enhancements.
Early Childhood Share DC
Provided at no cost to all licensed early learning providers in the District, this one-stop, web-based tool features more than 1,200 classroom and administration resources, plus discounts at leading vendors, helping providers save time, reduce costs and increase the quality of their programs. The Foundation partnered with OSSE, CCA For Social Good and local early learning experts to create the site.